The quarterly meeting of the
Board of Trustees of the Walter H. McClenon Fund, Inc., will be held on Wednesday,
5 September 2012, at the apartment of Paul McClenon at 5420 Connecticut Avenue,
NW, Apt. 322.
Please let me know whether you plan to attend, to dial
in, or neither, unless you have already answered this question.
The agenda will be as
1. Approval of minutes of previous meeting in June
2. Financial reports
2a. Quarterly report of Treasurer
2b. Reports on signature transitions and related activities
2c. Any other financial reports
3. Report of President
Unevaluated Summary (being split into two lists)
Lists of Organizations
Agenda List of
organizations being considered (formerly called Long List)
Complete List of
all organizations
3a. Any other comments by President
4. Reports of ad hoc committees on organizations
5. Any other reports
6. Amendments to bylaws
6a. Proposal by Tom Baisden on terms of
officers (deferred)
6b. Proposed
changes to wording of Bylaw
7. Discussion of any changes to procedures for evaluation of
file of grant requests
8. Action on file of grant requests
9. Any other new business
9a. Purchase of Quickbooks for Mac
license or other financial software
10. Appointment of ad hoc committees
11. Scheduling of next quarterly meeting (in November or December)