The quarterly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Walter H. McClenon Fund, Inc., will be held on Sunday, 20 September 2015, at 4 pm EDT/3 pm CDT/2 pm MDT/1 pm PDT/2000 GMT, nominally at 5000 Summerset Trail, Austin, TX. 78749.


Please let me know whether you plan to attend, to dial in, or neither,


The draft agenda is as follows, and is subject to change by the President:


1.         Approval of minutes of previous quarterly meeting on 14 June 2015

2.         Quarterly report of Treasurer, if any

3.         Report of President

4.         Lists of Organizations

            General Endowment Summary

            Special Endowment Summary

            Unevaluated Summary

                        Unassigned List

                        Assigned List

                        Agenda List

                        Complete List

5.                     Task forces.  To my knowledge, three of the five task forces have had some email exchanges.  Those are the committee on long-term purpose, the committee on investments, and the committee on identification of causes.  Those email strings are attached.  Each of the chairs to report, and the board will discuss.

Long-Term Purpose Task Force

Investment Task Force

Committee on Identification of Causes

6.                     Review list of organizations currently nominated, nominate any additional.

7.                     Discuss ongoing work of task forces.

8.                     Set next meeting (in November or December)


The call-in number is now 916-558-7514.

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