The annual meeting of the
members of the Walter H. McClenon Fund, Inc., will be held at 4 pm EDT (3 pm CDT / 2
pm MDT / 1 pm PDT) on Sunday, 13 March 2016.
The nominal location is 5000 Summerset Trail, Austin, TX 78749. (The meeting will be by teleconference.) The agenda will be as follows:
1. Approval
of minutes of previous annual meeting
2. Annual report of Treasurer
3. Report of President
4. Report
on election of Trustees
It is not necessary to reply as to whether you plan to
attend the meeting of members.
Attendance at the meeting of members is a right, not a duty.
The quarterly meeting of the
Board of Trustees of the Walter H. McClenon Fund, Inc., will be held on Sunday,
13 March 2016, at 4 pm EDT/3 pm CDT/2 pm MDT/1 pm PDT/2100 GMT, nominally at
5000 Summerset Trail, Austin, TX. 78749.
Please let me know whether you plan to attend, to dial
in, or neither,
The preliminary agenda is as
follows (but may be revised by the President).
Please forward any material to me that should be posted to the web site.
1. Approval
of minutes of previous quarterly meeting on 13 December 2015
2. Report of Treasurer
3. Report of President
3a. Any other comments by President
4. Lists of Organizations
5. Reports of ad hoc committees on organizations
6. Reports of task forces
6a. Long-term
purpose task force
6b. Committee on investments
6c. Task force on trustee support
6d. Committee on identification of causes
6e. Committee on external presence
7. Family news
8. Action on file of grant requests
8a. Nomination of any organizations requiring nomination
8b. Contributions from General Endowment and Special Endowment
9. Any other new business
10. Scheduling of annual meeting (in March)
The call-in number is now 916-233-2690.
Enter a participant PIN of 347290#.
Please advise as to whether you will be able to dial in, or will not be able to dial in.