The quarterly meeting of the
Board of Trustees of the Walter H. McClenon Fund, Inc., will be held on Sunday,
11September 2016, at 4 pm EDT/3 pm CDT/2 pm MDT/1 pm PDT/2000 GMT, nominally at
5000 Summerset Trail, Austin, TX. 78749.
Please let me know whether you plan to attend, to dial
in, or neither,
The agenda will be as
1. Approval
of minutes of previous quarterly meeting on 12 June 2016
2. Quarterly report of Treasurer
3. Report of President
3a. Any other comments by President
4. Lists of Organizations
Unevaluated Summary
5. Family news
6. Minute of silence (moved to middle to minimize likelihood of
interruption by late dial-ins)
The Secretary proposes that a minute of silence be
observed for whoever any particular Trustee wishes to remember, whether our
ancestors and family, or the victims of terrorism in the twenty-first century,
or all killed in wars in the twenty-first century, or the approximately eighty
million killed in the dreadful twentieth century
7. Reports of ad hoc committees on organizations
8. Reports of task forces
8a. Committee
on identification of causes
8b. Committee on external presence
9. Amendments by bylaws (no notice given)
10. Action on file of grant requests
10a. Nomination of any organizations requiring nomination
10b. Any contributions (not expected)
11. Any other new business
12. Scheduling of next quarterly meeting (in November or December)
The call-in number is now 916-233-2690.
Enter a participant PIN of 347290#.
Please indicate whether you plan to dial in, do not plan to dial in, both, neither, or don’t know.