Audit Committee, consisting of Robert McClenon and Carol McClenon, met at the
apartment of the Treasurer, Paul McClenon, on Saturday, 25 February 2012. The Audit Committee reviewed the annual
report of the Treasurer and compared it against the backup materials provided
by the Treasurer, including bank statements, statements from Fidelity, records
from QuickBooks, and other materials.
The Audit Committee identified various minor discrepancies between the
income figures shown in the Treasurer’s Report and those provided by
Fidelity. The Audit Committee and the
Treasurer worked together to correct the discrepancies. A revised version of the Treasurer’s Report
is attached. The Audit Committee did not
review the market prices listed in the Treasurer’s Report and so has no opinion
on their accuracy. A combined summary of
the reports for the two endowments and a five-year summary of contributions are
also attached as a courtesy for the information of the Trustees, but have not
been reviewed by the auditors. The Audit
Committee is satisfied that the revised Treasurer’s Report is an accurate
summary of the balance sheet and income and expenses of the two endowments of
the Fund.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert McClenon
Committee Chair
1 March 2012