The Walter H. McClenon Fund, Inc.
Boaz & Ruth
3030 Meadowbridge Rd.
P.O. Box 6129
Richmond, VA 23222
is a recommendation that we categorize Boaz& Ruth as Eligible and Currently
Nominated from both Endowments.
person jus released from prison has difficulty finding a decent job, a safe
home, and healthy relationships. Boaz & Ruth’s main mission is “Rebuilding
Lives Through Relationships,” a transitional job and
training program. This program includes classes, counseling, and on-the-job
training. Boaz & Ruth also empower the physically blighted Highland Park in
the North District of Richmond. (an area identified by
the National Corrections Reporting Program as one of the areas receiving the
most returning non-violent prisoners). This community revitalization includes the
purchase and restoration of run-down properties. In that area they incubate and
operate businesses and provide jobs. They connect Highland Park and their
program participants to the wider Richmond Community by activities that bridge
racial, economic, and geographic barriers.
have not learned much about their financial situation. They operate several businesses, including
moving, construction, restaurant, catering, and a retail store. Managing any
one of them must be challenging; personnel problems must be severe! Their Spring 2009
newsletter says “Yes, these are tough days, and Boaz &Ruth has not been
spared from negative effects of the economic downturn. But with your support we
are continuing to help more than 50 men and women move towards self-sufficiency
and strengthen the community of Highland Park.” The same newsletter also says “…the most
significant way you can support Boas &
Ruth during this time is to shop at our stores and use the services of our
& Ruth is eligible under our By-laws III D 5 and III D 6—‘rehabilitation of
persons under a special handicap” and “economic self-sufficiency of a
disadvantaged group.” Their success may
indirectly influence some welfare-oriented legislation, but they don’t seem to
do any lobbying. I think that both of our Endowments are eligible to support
them. I recommend that we nominate both endowments for such contributions.
McClenon 11th of April 2009