Walter H. McClenon Fund
Charter Amendment Vote Report
A motion having been made by the Trustees of the Walter H. McClenon Fund at the meeting of 28 September 2014, after ten days notice, to proposed deleting section 6C8b of the Articles of Incorporation and leaving 6C8 and 6C8a as 6C8, this issue was submitted to a vote by the members:
to strike section 6C8b as unnecessarily restrictive and to consolidate the portions of the charter as required.
Eleven ballots were received by the Secretary by the designated closing date of 22 December 2014. One ballot was invalid due to lack of return address as stipulated in the voting instructions. Valid ballots were received from the following Members: Bob McClenon, Chuck McClenon, Carol McClenon, Tom Baisden, Jerry McClenon, Kostreba, Suzanne Schneider, David McClenon, Bri Cianelli, Robin Alm.
The Results of the Vote are:
__8_ FOR the amendment to strike 6C8b
__1_ AGAINST the amendment to strike 6C8b
Thus, the motion to strike 6C8b carried.
Sr. Mary Carol McClenon