Earth Quaker Action Team
4510 Kingsessing Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19143



The Earth Quaker Action Team is a grassroots, nonviolent social action group based in Philadelphia. The mission of the group is to seek a just an sustainable economy. The current campaign, Bank Like Appalachia Matters, directly challenges PNC Bank to cease financing fossil fuel companies that use mountaintop removal coal mining as an extraction method by using creative and strategic direct action (protest).


EQAT believes mountaintop removal (MTR) is both an environmental and a human rights issue.  MTR has already destroyed more than 500 mountains and 2,000 miles of streams in one of the most biodiverse regions of the country, threatening the health and well-being of communities and creating an unstable economic and environmental future for subsequent generations. According to the 2014 Coal Finance Report Card from Rainforest Action Network, PNC provided $211 million in financing to MTR coal producers in the last year. This level of funding places it in the circle of banks that provide the most support for the practice. Because governments in Appalachia have historically been gridlocked on regulating coal companies, our analysis is that addressing the financial sector that supports coal extraction is a way to bring forward real change to halt extreme coal extraction.


To highlight PNC’s role in funding companies that practice MTR, EQAT uses a variety of direct action tactics to challenge PNC’s support for destructive coal extraction, from street theatre to public prayer to civil disobedience. Our board, staff, and volunteers include experienced direct action researchers and trainers that lend their skills to our campaign. Recently, nonviolent direct action groups similar to ours have successfully moved both JP Morgan Chase and UBS out of funding MTR. EQATs campaign will help create an industry-wide standard of avoiding investments in MTR and eventually, coal. Members feel compelled to take principled and peaceful action to preserve Appalachian culture and ecology and as a step towards addressing climate change.


In the spring of 2014, EQAT embarked on a new strategic arc focusing on expansion. The group organized 300 Quaker friends and allies in Pittsburgh in July.  Many of them participated in an action for the first time.  Over the past three months the group held strategic actions in Tampa, Washington D.C. and New York City where met hundreds of people stepped into action and start organizing their neighbors and community members.  Our Day of Action in December, 2014 will be a chance for these new satellite groups to hold their own actions at PNC Bank branches. 


The organization this year had a budget of jut $100,000 which goes mostly to support 2 paid part time organizers. EQAT has no office space and our executive director does not get paid. As such, administrative expenses are very low (I believe less than 2% of our budget). A gift of $1,000-2,000 would have a big impact on this organization and would be extremely appreciated! 


According to the rules of the fund, I believe EQAT is eligible due to its mission of economic and social reform. EQAT is not registered as a nonprofit in any state, but does have a 501c3 fiscal sponsor so I propose that we nominate it as eligible from either endowment. 


I dedicate considerable volunteer time to EQAT and I also am also a donor. I've really given a very simplistic overview of our campaign so I'm very happy to answer any and all questions people may have about the organization, its tactics, mission, and makeup. 

