Good Shepherd Center of Baltimore

4100 Maple Avenue

Baltimore, MD. 21227-4099


Good Shepherd Center of Baltimore has provided residential treatment services and day school for troubled adolescent girls since 1864, and is now the oldest continuously operating social services facility in Maryland.  In 2011, Good Shepherd Center also began serving adolescent boys with developmental disabilities. 


In the fiscal year ending 30 June 2010, Good Shepherd Center of Baltimore had revenue of $20.5 million, of which $18.8 million was patient service revenues (mostly from the State of Maryland, and some from Medicaid and private insurance).  Expenses were $20.4 million, divided into residential services expenses of $15.2 million and educational services expenses of $5.3 million.  (There is a rounding discrepancy.  I know.  I know.)  A further breakdown was provided of the allocation of expenses to program expenses, maintenance, general and administration, and fund-raising.  Fund-raising expense is approximately $83 thousand, which is approximately 0.5%.  General and administration expenses were $3.1 million, and there were expenses of $1.5 million assigned to a category of maintenance.  I don’t fully understand the maintenance category, but the total expenses were assigned to non-program-services no more than 23%.  I think that is as good as most good organizations can claim. 


Contributions to the Good Shepherd Center can probably be authorized under Bylaw IIID5, “rehabilitation of persons suffering from a special handicap”, or more generally under section 3A of the charter:  “The purpose of the Fund shall be the improvement of … condition of the people of the United States and of the world, and especially of the condition of those people who appear to be in any respect at a special disadvantage.”   That last class includes troubled adolescents who are at risk of falling out of society but have the opportunity to become successful adults.


The Good Shepherd Center has a 501(c)(3) Internal Revenue Service status.  I recommend that the Board categorize the Good Shepherd Center of Baltimore as active and currently nominated for contributions from the 501(c)(4) General Endowment and from the 501(c)(3) Special Endowment. 


            Respectfully submitted,


            Robert McClenon

            11 December 2011