The Walter H. McClenon Fund

Annual Meeting of Members and

Annual Meeting of Trustees

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Minutes of Meetings


Annual Meeting of Members


The annual meeting of the Members of the Walter H. McClenon Fund, Inc. was held at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday 2 March 2011 at the apartment of Paul R. McClenon.  The President called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.  The following Members were present in person or on the phone:


    • Bob McClenon – President
    • Paul McClenon – Treasurer
    • Carol McClenon – Secretary
    • Jean-Michel Giraud (phone)
    • Tom Baisden (phone)
    • Dave McClenon (phone)


The minutes of the previous Annual Meeting of the Members were accepted unanimously.


The Treasurer presented the Annual Report of the Treasurer, consisting of three reports (for the General Endowment, for the Special Endowment, and the Summary of Contributions). 

The Secretary presented the Report on the Election of the Trustees and noted that the following Trustees were elected or re-elected:


            Tom Baisden

            Katherine Clark

            Jean-Michel Giraud

            Carol Livaditis

            Carol McClenon

            Charles McClenon

            Clara McClenon

            David McClenon

            Paul McClenon

            Robert McClenon

            Patience Musingarimi


The meeting of the Members was adjourned at 7:44 p.m.


Annual Meeting of Trustees


The annual meeting of the Trustees of the Walter H. McClenon Fund, Inc., was held at 7:44 p.m. on Wednesday 2 March 2011 at the apartment of Paul R. McClenon (5420 Connecticut Ave., NW, Apt. 322, Washington, DC 20015).


The President called the meeting to order at 7:44 p.m.  The following trustees were present in person and on the phone:

    • Bob McClenon – President
    • Paul McClenon – Treasurer
    • Carol McClenon – Secretary
    • Jean-Michel Giraud (phone)
    • Tom Baisden (phone)
    • Dave McClenon (phone)


  1. Approval of minutes of previous quarterly meeting of  15 December 2010:

The minutes were unanimously approved.


  1. Report of the Auditing Committee dated 27 February  2011:


The Trustees voted unanimously to accept the report of the Auditing Committee, subject to the understanding that there will not be a second audit. This has the effect of accepting the Treasurer’s Report on the Special Endowment (dated 31 December 2010), the Summary of Contributions in the past five years by the combination of the two Endowments (dated 31 December 2010),  and the Treasurer’s Report on the General Endowment along with the Treasurer’s notes about “recorded costs” and answers to questions posed by the auditors.


  1. Quarterly Report of the Treasurer (comprising January 2011).  The report was unanimously accepted.      


  1. Report of President:

The President summarized the 39-page report (which includes one blank page).

    • General [Endowment] Summary (2 pages)
    • Special [Endowment] Summary (2 pages)
    • Unevaluated Summary (3 pages)
    • Long List [of Organizations] (31 pages)


  1. Reports of Ad Hoc Committees on Organizations:  none


  1. Any Other Reports – none


  1. Election of Officers


Bob McClenon agreed to accept re-election to the Office of President.  He was elected by acclamation.

Paul McClenon was re-elected Treasurer by acclamation.

Carol McClenon was re-elected Secretary by acclamation.

Carol McClenon was re-elected Assistant Treasurer by acclamation.

Tom Baisden was re-elected by Assistant Secretary by acclamation.

Tom Baisden was elected Vice President by acclamation.


There was brief discussion on the role of the Vice President, which has been vacant in recent years, and on whether there is a need to propose changes to the by-laws inasmuch as the by-laws state that the Vice President presides over the meetings.  In recent years, the President has been presiding and all the Trustees present, including the new Vice President, are satisfied with this practice.  It was agreed that there is no need to change the by-laws because the Vice President can waive his right to preside. 


  1. Action on File of Grant Requests:


The Trustees voted unanimously to accept the following recommendations presented by the President:


Community Center for the Homeless at

       Friendship Place                           Set to Currently Nominated (General)

            Residential Youth Services                 Set to Currently Nominated (General)

            Boaz and Ruth                                                Set to Currently Nominated (Special)

            Habitat for Humanity of Wash. DC   Set to Currently Nominated (Special)

            Residential Youth Services                 Set to Currently Nominated (Special)

            The Carter Center                               Set to Currently Nominated (Special)


(These actions restored the nominated status of organizations that had lost that status when contributions were approved.)  It was then noted that these actions were already taken at the last meeting (12-15-10).


·         General Endowment (501-c-4): 


The trustees voted agreed to make one contribution from the General Endowment, as follows:


$200   Governmental Accountability Project


·         Special Endowment (501-c-3):


The trustees voted to make one new contributions from the Special Endowment.   The following contributions were unanimously authorized:


$500    Institute for Transportation and Development Policy


The President will compare the President’s data base against the minutes of all the 2010 meetings, and will ensure that all actions recorded in the minutes are reflected in the data base.


  1. Other New Business:


The President will advise Carol Livaditis of her election as a Trustee. 

The Secretary will compile and distribute a list of addresses, e-mail addresses and phone numbers of all the Trustees.


  1.  Next Meeting:  The Annual Meeting will be held on during the weekend of June 17-19, 2011, at a time and place to be confirmed by the end of May.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,




Carol A. McClenon
