The Walter H. McClenon Fund

Saturday 18 June 2011

Minutes of Meeting


Quarterly Meeting


The quarterly meeting of the Trustees of the Walter H. McClenon Fund, Inc., was held at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday 18 June 2011 at the home of Kathy Clark, 11101 Sweetwood Lane, Oakton, VA. 22124.


The following Members were present in person or on the phone:



The Vice-President called the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m. 


  1. Approval of minutes of previous quarterly meeting of  2 March 2011:

The minutes were unanimously approved.


  1. Quarterly Report of the Treasurer:  The report was unanimously accepted. 


  1. Report of President:

The President summarized the 39-page report (which includes one blank page).


  1. Reports of Ad Hoc Committees on Organizations: 

Paul McClenon called attention to his previously e-mailed report on Boaz & Ruth, which is already currently nominated.


  1. Any Other Reports – none


  1. Amendments to Charter or By-Laws:

Bob McClenon, having given lawful notice of his intent to make a proposal for the

deletion of section d-3 of Article 7 of the Charter, which states that the Vice-President shall preside over the meetings, did offer such proposal.  A motion carried unanimously that at the Annual Meeting in 2012, the Trustees shall propose to the Members of the Fund that section d-3 of Article 7 be deleted.  


  1. Action on File of Grant Requests:


The Trustees voted unanimously to accept the following recommendations presented by the President:


            For Love of Children                                      Set to Currently Nominated (Special)

            Pro-Literacy Worldwide                                 Set to Currently Nominated (Special)

            Governmental Accountability Project                        Set to Currently Nominated (General)


(These actions restored the nominated status of organizations that had lost that status when contributions were approved.) 


·        General Endowment (501-c-4): 


The trustees voted agreed to make one contribution from the General Endowment, as follows:


$200   The Sentencing Project


·        Special Endowment (501-c-3):


The trustees voted to make two new contributions from the Special Endowment.   The following contributions were unanimously authorized:


$500   Boaz & Ruth

$250   TechnoServe (in honor of Lucy Baisden)


  1. Other New Business:


Carol Livaditis proposed that the Trustees consider donating to MedShare at the next meeting, in honor of JP Livaditis and Eleanor Baisden. 


  1. Next Meeting:  The next meeting will be September 21, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time at the apartment of Paul McClenon.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:04 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,




Carol A. McClenon
