The Walter H. McClenon Fund
Wednesday 5 September 2012
Minutes of Meeting
Quarterly Meeting of Trustees
The quarterly meeting of the
Trustees of the Walter H. McClenon Fund, Inc., was held at 7:30 p.m. on
Wednesday 5 September 2012 at the apartment of Paul R. McClenon (
Technical difficulties with the conference call process delayed the start of the meeting. The President called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m. The following trustees were present in person and on the phone:
The minutes of the Quarterly meeting were unanimously approved.
The Treasurer’s report, previously distributed by e-mail, was unanimously approved.
The President presented the 42-page report (previously distributed electronically).
The President noted that the lists have been re-formatted for clarification and accuracy. The Trustees congratulated the President on this achievement.
3a. Any other comments by the President – none
Several Ad Hoc Committee reports were received. Refer to Item 8 for their dispositions.
6a. It was moved and seconded to defer discussion on Tom Baisden’s proposed amendment regarding terms of office until the next meeting. Carried unanimously.
6b. It was moved and seconded to hold electronic correspondence regarding the changes to the wording of Bylaw III proposed by Robert McClenon, and subsequently to schedule a conference call to discuss this proposal, prior to the next Quarterly meeting.
7. Discussion of any changes to procedures for evaluation of file of grant requests
It was noted that 6b above and this topic are intimately related. Consequently, after inconclusive discussion, the Trustees agreed to hold electronic correspondence on this topic and subsequently to schedule a conference call to discuss it prior to the next Quarterly meeting.
8. Action on File of Grant Requests:
· The following actions were taken:
Accion International – Currently nominated from both Endowments
American Express OPEN, Comcast Business Class, and Verizon Velocity – Categorized as Evaluation not in order
American Civil Liberties Union,
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, and National Capital Area Civil
Arms Wide Open – Categorized as Not Selected
Citizens for Global Solutions Education Fund – Categorized as Not Selected
· General Endowment (501-c-4):
The trustees voted not to make any contributions from the General Endowment during this quarter.
· Special Endowment (501-c-3):
The trustees voted not to make any contributions from the Special Endowment during this quarter.
9. Purchase of Quickbooks for Mac license or other financial software –
Moved and seconded to authorize $300 for the Treasurer to purchase his choice of software – approved unanimously.
10. Ad Hoc Committees:
The usual: “All trustees are encouraged to make evaluation reports at any time.” Carol McClenon claimed that she would do a report on a Seasteading organization before the next meeting.
11. Next Meeting: The Quarterly Meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 5, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time at Paul McClenon’s apartment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carol A. McClenon