The Walter H. McClenon Fund
Wednesday 5 December 2012
Minutes of Meeting
Quarterly Meeting of Trustees
The quarterly meeting of the
Trustees of the Walter H. McClenon Fund, Inc., was held at 7:30 p.m. on
Wednesday 5 December 2012 at the apartment of Paul R. McClenon (
The President called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. The following trustees were present in person and on the phone:
The minutes of the Quarterly meeting were unanimously approved.
2. a. Quarterly Report of Treasurer
The Treasurer’s report was previously distributed by e-mail.
The General Endowment has given $250 already and needs to give something
between $500 and $1000 still for this year. The Special Endowment has given
$1000 and needs to give away close to $4000 still this year.
The format of the Treasurer’s report was commended for its noble simplicity.
2b. Reports on signature transitions and related activities
For the checking accounts, Chuck and Bob have signature authority.
For the General Endowment, Chuck and Bob have signature authority.
For the Special Endowment, nothing has changed, due to a broker error. Fidelity
doesn’t think we turned in the right paperwork, so we will turn it in again.
2c. Any other financial reports - None
3. Quarterly Report of President
The President presented the 35-page report (previously distributed electronically).
3a. Any other comments by the President – none
4 Reports of Ad Hoc Committees on Organizations
None were received.
5 Any Other Reports – Dotster (our Web-hosting company) tried to renew the registration
for the Fund (due December 16th) and the credit card was rejected (because it had been lost and cancelled). The Trustees voted to authorize Bob McClenon to renew the registration using the new credit card.
6. Amendments to Bylaws:
6a. Proposal by Tom Baisden on terms of officers (withdrawn by Tom Baisden)
6b. Proposed changes to wording of Bylaw III (deferred to next meeting)
7. Action on File of Grant Requests:
The following actions were taken:
· General Endowment (501-c-4):
The trustees voted unanimously to give $500 to Boaz and Ruth.
· Special Endowment (501-c-3):
The trustees voted unanimously to contribute:
$1500 to Boaz and Ruth
$1500 to Habitat for Humanity of
$1000 to
· General Endowment (501-c-4):
The trustees engaged in spirited discussion and parliamentary wrangling about giving to Boaz and Ruth from both endowments at the same meeting. There was a proposal to rescind the contribution of $500 from the General Endowment, and a parliamentary challenge to the validity of such a proposal. The proposal was not carried.
The trustees voted to give $100 to
Community Council for the Homeless at
8. Discussion of any changes to procedures for evaluation of file of grant requests –
Trustees agreed that we will continue to discuss this via e-mail and phone calls.
9. Discussion of audit – Items mentioned were to hire an auditor, or to get a pro-bono audit,
or to change the audit procedure.
The Trustees voted to ask the Treasurer to provide a draft procedure for an audit, concurrently with his presentation of the annual report at the next meeting.
10. Any other new business
10a. Discussion of nominations of trustees and of election of trustees
Each current trustee will be asked by the President via e-mail to confirm or withdraw his/her willingness to serve again in 2013-14. Failure to respond to the inquiry will be interpreted as unwillingness to be on the Ballot. It was noted that Robin Clark and Lee McClenon have been nominated and will be included on the Ballot. The President will distribute the Ballots for the election of 2013-14 Trustees via USPS. The number of trustees in currently eleven as stated in the bylaws.
10b. Notice of motions to amend bylaws
10b1. Notice of motion to change number of trustees to nine
10b2. Notice of motion to change number of trustees to thirteen
10b3. Notice of motion to change the quorum for by-laws changes to five, to change the quorum for contributions to four, and to change the rule of number of persons who must be physically present at the designated place of the meeting from two to one
There seemed to be a consensus that the number of trustees should remain at eleven.
11. Appointment of ad hoc committees
The usual: “All trustees are encouraged to make evaluation reports at any time.” Everyone is requested to write at least one report.
12. Next Meeting: The Quarterly Meeting will be held on Saturday, March 16th, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time at Paul McClenon’s apartment (subject to change as necessary).
The meeting was unanimously adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carol A. McClenon