The Walter H. McClenon Fund
Annual Meeting of Members and
Annual Meeting of Trustees
Saturday 16 March 2013
Minutes of Meetings
Annual Meeting of Members
The annual meeting of the Members of the Walter H. McClenon Fund, Inc. was held at 4 p.m. on Saturday 16 March 2013 at the apartment of Paul R. McClenon. The President called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. The following Members were present in person or on the phone:
The minutes of the previous
Annual Meeting (of March 12, 2012) of the Members were
accepted unanimously.
Chuck McClenon presented the Annual Report of the Treasurer. In a nutshell, the Stock Market was up at the end of the year and has been going up. The Special Endowment ended the year with a balance of close to $19,000. The General Endowment ended with approximately $54,000 in Fidelity. There are also some funds in checking.
The Secretary presented the Report on the Election of the Trustees and noted that the following Trustees were elected or re-elected:
Tom Baisden
Katherine Clark
Robin Clark
Jean-Michel Giraud
Carol Livaditis
Carol McClenon
Charles McClenon
Clara McClenon
David McClenon
Lee McClenon
Robert McClenon
The meeting of the Members was adjourned at 4:11 p.m.
Annual Meeting of Trustees
The annual meeting of the
Trustees of the Walter H. McClenon Fund, Inc., was held at 4:11 p.m. on Saturday
16 March 2013 at the apartment of Paul R. McClenon (
The President called the meeting to order at 4:11 p.m. The following trustees were present in person and on the phone:
A correction to the minutes was noted: Under the General Endowment, the contribution was authorized to Community Council for the Homeless, rather than Community Center as recorded. The minutes were unanimously approved as corrected.
The President summarized the 38-page report (which includes one blank page).
Clara McClenon expressed a preference for PDF files on the website. Clara and Bob exchanged information regarding Clara’s intention to begin enhancing the website as a summer project.
5a. Other Committee reports – none
Bob McClenon was re-elected President by acclamation.
Chuck McClenon was re-elected Treasurer by acclamation.
Carol McClenon was re-elected Secretary by acclamation.
Tom Baisden was re-elected by Vice President by acclamation.
Carol McClenon was re-elected Assistant Treasurer by acclamation.
Tom Baisden was re-elected Assistant Secretary by acclamation.
7a. Proposed changes to wording of Bylaw III (deferred):
A motion to postpone discussion to the next Quarterly Meeting carried unanimously.
7b. Notice of motion to change the quorum for by-laws changes to five, to change the
quorum for contributions to four, and to change the rule of number of persons who must be physically present at the designated place of the meeting from two to one:
A motion for these three changes was carried with five affirmative votes and one abstention. (It was noted that we did have the requisite quorum of six to conduct this vote on changing the by-laws, because Paul McClenon will continue to serve as a Trustee through March 31, 2013.)
8. Action on File of Grant Requests:
The Trustees agreed not to make any contributions this quarter.
9. Other New Business:
The Treasurer asked for permission to move the Special Endowment checking from BBVA Compass to Wells Fargo. A motion to this effect was carried unanimously, including the authorization for the Treasurer to carry out paperwork required by the financial institutions involved.
The Treasurer requested authorization to establish brokerage accounts for both Endowments with Morgan Stanley and after these are duly established, to transfer the Endowments’ assets from Fidelity to Morgan Stanley. A motion to this effect was carried unanimously, including the authorization for the Treasurer to carry out paperwork required by the financial institutions.
10. A motion was made to instruct the Treasurer to send supporting information for the
Annual Report to the Board and to authorize the Board to act as an Audit Committee of
the whole. The motional was carried unanimously.
11. Next Meeting: The Quarterly Meeting will be held on Sunday, June 23rd, 2013, at
4 p.m. Eastern time, 1 p.m. Pacific Time.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:59 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carol A. McClenon