The Walter H. McClenon Fund
Sunday 22 September 2013
Corrected Minutes of Meeting
Meeting of Trustees
The quarterly meeting of the Trustees of the Walter H. McClenon Fund, Inc. was held at 4 p.m. on Sunday 22 September, nominally at 1119 S. Carolina Ave, S.E., Washington, DC 20003. The President called the meeting to order at 4:04 p.m. The following Trustees were present in person or on the phone:
· Bob McClenon – President
· Chuck McClenon – Treasurer (phone)
· Carol McClenon – Secretary (phone)
· Lee McClenon (phone)
· David McClenon (phone)
1. Approval of minutes of previous quarterly meeting of 23 June 2013:
The minutes were unanimously approved.
2. Quarterly Report of the Treasurer:
Chuck reported that there has been little change in
the financial situation. He is in the process of completing the paperwork for the transfer of the brokerage. He is also in the process of following up on whether the Special Endowment's second check to the IRS cleared and why the IRS thinks we haven't filed our 990 PF (because, Chuck says, we did file before the extended due date of August 15, 2013). The IRS seems to have issued us a new EIN which was neither requested nor desired.
The General Endowment should make contributions of approximately $1,500 this year; the Special Endowment should make about $6,000 in contributions.
3. Report of the President:
The President summarized the 38-page report and noted that it is available as a Word Document and on the Website.
3a. Any other comments by the President: none.
4. Ad Hoc Committee reports – There are six: Maternity Care Coalition, Peace Brigades International, Responsible Endowments Coalition, Southerners on New Ground, Training for Change, and University of Texas Signature Course in Philanthropy.
5. Any Other Reports: none
6. Action on Amendments to the By-Laws: none at this time.
7. Action on File of Grant Requests:
The six above-named organizations (Maternity Care Coalition, Peace Brigades International, Responsible Endowments Coalition, Southerners On New Ground, Training for Change, and University of Texas Signature Course in Philanthropy) were unanimously nominated for the General Endowment.
Three organizations (Maternity Care Coalition, University of Texas Signature Course in Philanthropy, and Training for Change) were unanimously nominated for the Special Endowment.
Lee will look further into the 501(c)3 status of Southerners on New Ground, Peace Brigades, and Responsible Endowments Coalition and will report back at the next meeting.
The Trustees agreed to defer contributions until the next quarter.
8. New Business:
The Treasurer officially requested that Lee and David McClenon serve on the Investment Committee which was created in June. Both of them agreed. Chuck will contact them after the transfer of brokers is complete.
Discussion of audit of annual report of Treasurer – deferred again
9. Appointment of Ad Hoc Committees: Anyone can volunteer himself or herself as an ad hoc committee.
10. Next Meeting: The Quarterly Meeting will be held on Sunday, December 1, 2013, at
4 p.m. Eastern time, 3 p.m. Mountain Time, 2 p.m. Central Time, 1 p.m. Pacific Time with the option of re-scheduling if necessary.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:36 p.m. (EDT).
Respectfully Submitted,
Carol A. McClenon