Walter H. McClenon Fund
Sunday 28 September 2014
Minutes of Quarterly Meeting
The quarterly meeting of the Trustees of the Walter H. McClenon Fund, Inc. was held at 4 p.m. on Sunday 28 September 2014 in cyberspace with the nominal location as 1119 S. Carolina Ave, S.E., Washington, DC 20003. The President called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. The following Trustees were present in person or on the phone: Bob McClenon, Chuck McClenon, Carol McClenon, Lee McClenon, Clara McClenon, Kathy Clark, and Carol Livaditis.
The Minutes of the previous meeting of June 22, 2014 were approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Reports: The Treasurer has suggested the following amount of contributions to be made this year:
$ 5,000 from the General (which has not made any contributions to date this year)
7,000 from the Special (which has made $2,500 to date this year)
Report of the President: It is available on-line and has been sent by e-mail. There were no questions.
Ad-Hoc Committee Reports: Reports on Equal Footing Foundation, Hispanic Scholarship Fund, EarthQuaker Action Team, and addendum to Training for Change have been submitted.
Report of Investment Committee:
Has not met. Will
meet when it does meet. Failure
to meet blamed mostly on the absence of the Treasurer Emeritus, who is unable
to defend himself and has no need to do so.
Action on Amendments of By-Laws and Charter
A motion that Provision 6c-8b be struck from the
Articles of Incorporation was passed unanimously. This recommendation will be sent forward to
the Members of the Corporation.
A motion to amend the By-Laws to read: “Two of the
principal offices of the Fund may be held by one person only if neither of those offices is that of President” was passed unanimously.
(The reason for this change is to conform to the revised District of Columbia Corporation Law.)
A motion to amend the bylaws (Bylaw 1-B-1): “Reference to
Chapter E should be changed to Section 1-B-5” passed unanimously.
Action on File of Grant Requests
That the Equal Footing Foundation of Northern Virginia
be categorized as eligible and currently nominated from both the General and
Special Endowments – motion carried unanimously.
That the Hispanic Scholarship Fund be
eligible and currently nominated from both General and Special Endowments –
motion carried unanimously.
There was extended discussion about the EarthQuaker Action Team.
A motion that the EarthQuaker
Action Team be considered eligible and currently nominated from the General
Endowment carried by a vote of 5-1.
New Business: A bylaw change will be proposed to 7-d-1.
Next Meeting: Sunday, 14 December at 4 p.m. Eastern Time
and at all the other simultaneous times.
The meeting was adjourned by common consent (and a
formal vote!) at 5:08 p.m.