The Walter H. McClenon Fund
Annual Meeting of Members and
Annual Meeting of Trustees
Sunday, March 14, 2015
Annual Meeting of Members
The annual meeting of the Members of the Walter H. McClenon Fund was held in cyberspace. The following Members participated:
Bob McClenon
Carol McClenon
Chuck McClenon
David McClenon
Lee McClenon
Robin Alm [participants alphabetized by first names on a whim]
Tom Baisden
The meeting was called to order by the President at 4:05 p.m. On the topic of order, a discussion of pizza ensued. No pizzas were ordered because every Member selfishly insisted that any pizza he or she ordered should go to himself or herself.
The Minutes of the previous Annual Meeting of Members of March 23, 2014 were unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report – there is no annual Treasurer’s Report. There will be one when the IRS form is filed in May 2015.
President’s Report – there is no annual President’s Report.
The Annual Meeting of Members was adjourned at 4:14 p.m..
Annual Meeting of the Trustees
The Annual Meeting of the Trustees of the Walter H. McClenon Fund was called to order 4:14 p.m.
The Minutes of the previous meeting of Trustees of January 28, 2015 were unanimously approved.
Quarterly report of the Treasurer – the Treasurer’s Report dated 3-14-15 was received and discussed. The Treasurer’s annual report will include a statement of the value of the corpus of the General Endowment, as required by the Charter and By-Laws.
Quarterly report of the President – a 36-page document was previously distributed and is on the website. There were no questions.
There were no reports from Ad-Hoc Committees.
Other reports: Carol summarized the vote on the Charter Amendment. This report had been previously distributed and posted on the website. The short summary is “It passed.” Bob noted that the language of the Charter will be revised accordingly and distributed to Members and Trustees. This task is assigned to Bob.
Election of Trustees – Moved by Dave and seconded by Robin that the following slate be adopted:
President – Chuck McClenon
Vice-President – Kathy Clark
Secretary – Bob McClenon
Treasurer – Lee McClenon
The slate was unanimously elected. Terms of office begin on April 1, 2015.
Action on Amendments to the By-laws – no proposals have been received. Silly discussion ensued.
Action on the File of Grant Requests:
A motion that the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, Equate and Project Vote Smart be currently nominated from the General Endowment passed unanimously.
A motion that Equal Footing Foundation and Training for Change be currently nominated from the Special Endowment passed unanimously.
Trustees agreed that no grants will be awarded this quarter.
New Business
Chuck moved and Tom seconded a motion that Lee McClenon be authorized to become a signatory on the accounts and investments of the Fund. The motion carried unanimously.
Carol moved and Bob seconded a motion to delete “Appointment of Ad-Hoc Committees” from future agendas. The motion carried unanimously.
Carol noted that Ann Haglund has been elected a Trustee and although unable to participate in this meeting, has offered to undertake responsibilities. Carol assigned her the task of thinking about pizzas. Nobody seemed to be listening so nobody objected.
Next Meeting of the Trustees will be held on Sunday, June 14, 2015 at 4 p.m. EDT and any other simultaneous times including Mountain and Pacific time zones.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol McClenon
Secretary [for the last time! ! !]