MINUTES of 14 June 2015 Meeting of Board


The meeting was held on 14 June 2015 via teleconference.  The meeting was called to order (without use of the words “called to order”) at 4:03 pm EDT / 3:03 pm CDT / 2:03 pm MDT / 1:03 PDT / 10:03 pm CEST / 2003 GMT by Chuck McClenon.  In attendance were: Chuck McClenon, Bob McClenon, Carol McClenon, Lee McClenon, Ann Haglund, Robin Alm, Clara McClenon.


1.         Approval of minutes of previous annual meeting in March


The minutes were approved as posted.


2.         Quarterly report of Treasurer


It was distributed by Chuck on behalf of Lee.


3.         Report of President


3a.       Any other comments by President


There were no comments by the outgoing President.


Chuck said that Kathy’s comments had been useful.  He said that the establishment of task forces and committees would facilitate making progress on various specific tasks and issues.


There was discussion of task forces and committees.  The task force on statement of long-term purpose will be chaired by Kathy and will include Carol, Ann, Lee, and Bob.  This task force will identify the long-term purpose of the Fund and key strategies for moving forward, including but not limited to: contributions by Trustees; bringing in younger Trustees; fund-raising; identification of causes. 


The committee on investments and investment policy will be chaired by Lee and will include David and Chuck.  Tom will be asked whether he wishes to serve.


The policy for board member contributions was discussed.  It was agreed that someone needs to word-smith a policy and bring it back for review or approval.  Lee will draft the policy as a task force of one.


The committee on identification of causes will be chaired by Carol and will include Lee, Chuck, and Robin. 


The committee on external presence will be chaired by Ann and will include Clara as webmaster and Bob as a content provider (and as outgoing webmaster) and Chuck.


4.         List of organizations


This was discussed in the context of a discussion of techniques for upgrading the web site and the distinction between internal work and external face. 


5.         Reports of ad hoc committees on organizations


There were none.


6.         Any other reports


6a.       Report of investment committee if any


None.  Its appointment was discussed above.


7.         Action on amendments by bylaws :  None planned at this time.


8.         Action on file of grant requests


There was none.


9.         Any other new business


9a.       Board dynamics for setting priorities


This was discussed above.


9b.       Discussion of Trustees contributing to Fund


This was discussed above.


10.       Appointment of committees


This was discussed above.


11.       Scheduling of next quarterly meeting (in August or September)


The next meeting will be held on a Sunday in September to be agreed by email.


Trustees began to drop off, and the meeting was declared adjourned at 4:50 pm EDT / 3:50 CDT / 2:50 MDT / 1:50 PDT / 10:50 pm CEST / 2050 GMT.


                        Respectfully submitted



                        Robert McClenon
