MINUTES of 13 December 2015 Meeting of Board
The meeting was held on 13 December 2015 via
teleconference. The meeting was called
to order (without use of the words “called to order”) at 4:08 pm EDT / 3:08 pm CDT
/ 2:08 pm MDT / 1:08 PDT / 10:08 pm CEST / 2008 GMT by Chuck McClenon. In attendance were:
Chuck McClenon, Bob McClenon, Tom Baisden, Lee
McClenon, David McClenon, Kathy Clark, Carol McClenon (left at very end), Carol
Livaditis (late).
1. Approval of minutes of previous meeting in September
There was a question about Good Shepherd Mediation Center. It was discussed. No action was taken, because it was already nominated. The minutes were approved as posted.
2. Report of President
Estimated General Income is now $3200. Recommended contributions were discussed. There was discussion of giving $4000 to $5000 from the Special Endowment, based on the IRS 5% rule. A target of $1600 to $2000 for the General Endowment, based on the bylaw requiring distribution of at least 50% of the income but also requiring retention of some of the income. The Special Endowment checking account has $5,419.08 . The General Endowment checking account has $925.01, but more money can be brought to the General Endowment, including $1258.27 in brokerage cash. The Special Endowment has $1181.93 in brokerage cash. To contribute $2000 from the General Endowment while avoiding minimum-balance fees, it will be necessary to sell securities, but this can be done.
3. Task forces.
The task force on long-term purpose is making slow progress. There was discussion. It submitted some discussion recently. By the next meeting, we should have something
to submit for approval.
The task force on investment policy has reached a conclusion, which is
that we should be wise financial stewards and not use investment policy to
favor specific causes.
There is still a task force of one, consisting of Lee, to frame a
request to the Trustees to contribute to the Fund.
4. Review of list of
Lists of organizations showing the status of
organizations that were or could be nominated had been
distributed by the Secretary and posted to the web.
Training for Change was
mentioned, as was the Good Shepherd Mediation Program.
5. Task
Forces (again)
The email sent by Kathy on long-term purposes
was discussed.
The first two points were agreed to be
good. With regard to the third point, it
was suggested that we also mention the memory of Paul
McClenon. There was discussion of the
need to improve the language of the fourth point.
Carol says that hashing out the long-term
purposes will improve the identification of causes. It was mentioned that contributions to
smaller organizations may help them more than large
ones, because our contributions may be meaningful.
The committee on external presence consisting
of Clara and Ann has not met and will be deferred.
6. Family
Comments were made
about Oliver Alm and Scott Ray. Chuck
will call John McClenon. Alison Livaditis got married.
Mary Wendy Clark got married. John
Clark was mentioned.
An item will be included in the agenda on family status.
7. Action
on File of Grant Requests
Carol McClenon mentioned that the Good
Shepherd Mediation Program has a pre-release and post-release program having to
do with children of prisoners. Chuck
said that we will first identify names and then
discuss amounts before making a formal motion.
The names include Good Shepherd Mediation Program (GSMP), Training for
Change (TFC), Earth Quaker Action Team (EQAT), Equal Footing Foundation
(EQFF). EQAT is only eligible from the
General Endowment. Equal Footing
Foundation is not currently nominated from the Special
Endowment, but it was moved and seconded to suspend the rules to permit a
contribution to Equal Footing Foundation.
It was passed unanimously, which is more than
two-thirds. It was then
moved to permanently nominate those four organizations. The motion was seconded and
It was then moved to
give $1600 from the General Endowment to EQAT.
That was seconded and passed. It was then moved to give $1250 from the Special Endowment to
the Equal Footing Foundation. It was seconded and passed.
It was then moved to give $1750 to GSMP and
$2000 to Training for Change. It was seconded and passed.
8. Nomination
Bob moved that an email be sent to all of the
members of the Fund requesting nominations for Trustees, and that each Trustee be allowed to nominate two persons, and each member may nominate
one person. That was
moved, seconded, and passed. These
minutes are that notice to Trustees.
9. Next
meeting (in March)
There was discussion of when to schedule the
next meeting. Sundays in March 2016 are
6 March, 13 March, 20 March, and 27 March.
March 27 is Easter Sunday in 2016.
A motion was made and passed to schedule the next
meeting for 13 March, holding out 20 March as an alternate. The time was agreed to be 4 pm EDT / 3 pm CST
/ 2 pm MST / 1 pm PST / 2000 GMT.
10. Adjournment
There was a motion to adjourn. The motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 pm EDT / 4:15 pm CDT / 3:15 pm MDT / 2:15 pm PDT / 2115 GMT.