MINUTES of 12 June 2016 Meeting of Board


The meeting was held on 12 June 2016 via teleconference.  The meeting was called to order (without use of the words “called to order”) at 4:13 pm EDT / 3:13 pm CDT / 2:13 pm MDT / 1:13 PDT / 2113 GMT by Chuck McClenon.  In attendance were: Chuck McClenon, Bob McClenon, Kelly McClenon, Ann Haglund, David McClenon, Lee McClenon, Kathy Clark, Clara McClenon. 


The start of the meeting was delayed due to technical difficulties.  The technical difficulties were due to the use of an older telephone number for the conferencing service.  (The correct number is 916-233-2690.)   


1.         Approval of minutes of previous meeting in March


There was a motion and a second to accept the minutes.  The minutes were accepted.


2.         Treasurer’s Report


There were contributions received of $125 by the General Endowment and $389 by the Special Endowment in the calendar year 2016.  (These were not contributions made, but contributions received.)  Other than that, the financial statement distributed by the Treasurer is being revised and will be reissued. 


3.         List of Organizations


It was pointed out that organizations to which contributions will be made in December must be nominated in September if they are not yet nominated. 


There was discussion of the request by Kelly to Allstate to have a matching contribution made to the Special Endowment.  Bob will request a current copy of the tax exemption letter for the Special Endowment.  Chuck and Bob will follow up. 


There was discussion of the Good Shepherd Mediation Program. 


4.         Task forces.


There was discussion of the identification of causes.  Carol McClenon referred to types of causes.  There was discussion of type of organizations.  Various types of organizations were identified as: education (many subtypes); conflict resolution; prison-related organizations; environment and energy; hunger.  There was discussion of whether to focus on international, national, regional, or other organizations. 


The task force on communication, also known as external presence, was discussed.  It includes Ann, Clara, and Bob.  Ann has a very rough web site, and said that she would send out the URL.  It is:  http://walterhmcclenonfund.yolasite.com.



There was discussion of the concept of a public-facing web site and a private-facing web site for internal use.   


4.         Reports of ad hoc committees


There weren’t any.


5.         Bylaws amendments


There weren’t any.


6.         Family


Dave is planning a drive that will take him to Austin. 


Bill’s son Calvin is engaged.  Wendy Clark and her husband are expecting a child. 


6.         Action on File of Grant Requests


There wasn’t any. 


7.         Next meeting (in September)


There was discussion of when to schedule the next meeting.  Sundays in September are 4 September, 11 September, 18 September, and 25 September.  A motion was made and passed to schedule the next meeting for 11 September.  The time was agreed to be 4 pm EDT / 3 pm CDT / 2 pm MST / 1 pm PDT / 2000 GMT.


8.         Adjournment


The meeting was adjourned at 4:56 pm EDT / 3:56 pm CDT / 2:56 pm MDT / 1:56 pm PDT / 2056 GMT.


                        Respectfully submitted,



                        Robert McClenon
