next trustees’ meeting is scheduled for the afternoon of Sunday, June 14.
At the usual time, the plurality being 4 PM EDT.
see our main agenda as discussion of two topics.
- Board dynamics for setting priorities. I believe
there’s a consensus that we should be more intentional in our choices of
causes to support, and we need some process to constructively choose among
good “purposes” even before we select “good causes” Kathy has agreed
to lead a discussion/
- Trustees should give to the Fund. The Fund’s
assets are largely contributions from Walter, Paul, and Kathy. Some
of us are not in a position to match their generosity, but all of us can
give some and then we can think of the corpus as being our own money which
will we will give responsibly rather than old Walter’s money which we now
spend in his name. I happened to have an honorarium coming my way,
for leading a web symposium, and so I have directed $2520 as contribution
to the special endowment. It seems to be informal consensus from
emails that trustees should have some intention to give to one or the
other of the endowments, but to which and how much may depend very
much on one’s own circumstances. Need a discussion about our
individual intentions. Probably not a full
consensus on the first consideration, but our goal for the
meeting is to advance the discussion.
more may follow.