Training for Change:


I propose that we direct a gift of at $3,000 to TfC towards the JCJ Fellowship for Trainers of Color from the special endowment. 


This fellowship sponsors a person of a racial minority background the become a strategic leader in grassroots movements. I see this fellowship as fitting within "cooperation between and among potentially hostile groups", "economic, social, industrial, or political reform", "equality of educational opportunity", and "economic self-sufficiency of a disadvantaged group"


Nico, head of staff at Training for Change, has told me: "One of the things I am really hoping for right now is to secure funding for the JCJ Fellowship for Trainers of Color for the next 2-3 years so that we don't have to do as much fundraising for that in addition to fundraising for our normal operational expenses.  A gift of $2-$4k would have a significant impact on that."


I've attached some more information about the fellowship. Since that report was written, one of this year's fellows spent a month in Ferguson, MO organizing with residents there, giving trainings on nonviolent action, relationship building and strategy. She was of the only people in the country to respond to a nationwide call for organizers to come and work with and mentor people there for an extended period of time. Many organizations sent someone for a day or three but TfC sent Kim and a staff member, Matthew, to be there for enough time to actually be helpful.